Welcome to the Gahlmann Lab!


We develop nanoscale microscopy methods for
3D single-molecule localization and super-resolution imaging
in live bacterial cells and microbial communities.
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News Updates:

Aug 17, 2023
Is it possible to “weigh” soluble proteins and protein complexes in living cells by measuring their diffusion coefficients?  Find out our opinion on this question in our newly published review article.

Jul 18, 2023
Yibo successfully defends his PhD thesis and becomes the sixth student to graduate from the Lab. Congratulations!

Jul 16, 2023
New Paper published! Alecia’s work reveals how iLID optogenetic interaction domains function in a single-molecule tracking experiments: Dimerization of iLID Optogenetic Proteins Observed Using 3D Single-Molecule Tracking in Live E.coli.
Now in press in the Biophysical Journal.

Jun 15, 2023
New NIH grant funded to support collaborative work between the Pires and Gahlmann labs! We will develop new approaches to understanding how antibiotics enter and are processed by bacterial cells, which could lead to new possibilities for treating antibiotic resistant infections. Thanks to NIAID for the support!

Feb 14, 2023
Josh wins the best poster prize (sponsored by the Microbiology Society) at the 4th Bacterial Cell Biology Fusion Conference in Cancun, Mexico! Congratulations and thanks for all the organizers and all attendees for a wonderful conference experience!